
Popping into the academic year!

On the 2nd of September at 8 am precisely, the square in front of the Van DoorenVeste was crowded with new students of the school of Communication, Media and IT. This could only mean one thing, the start of the introduction week! After many months of preparations this is the week that the introduction committee has feared and looked forward to.

You could feel the tension in the air between the sleepy eyes, pink shirts and giant suitcases. Which is not very strange on the first day of being a real student in Groningen. Fortunately, the tension was soon replaced by conversations and a friendly atmosphere on the way to the welcome speech given by chairman of Study Association KIC.                                                                                

During the bike ride to the Grunopark there was nothing left of the tension. The new students almost resembled one large group of friends. Stories were shared and despite the rain falling down, there was a lot of laughter. With a megaphone and amazing music, the introduction committee was ready to welcome the students to an unforgettable camp.

The classes at the camp were put to the test during the annual champion games. If there wasn’t already enough bonding by now, this was the moment. By working together, the students competed for the class competition. Games like four-in-a-row, wrestling in sumo suits and a bouncer trail would prove which class was the best.

Most people saw the champion games as a warm-up for DJ Michiel who would provide the evening with music. During the party it was clear that this warm-up had paid off. Dance moves that many people would be surprised by were put on the dance floor without mercy. Despite the fact that the crew had to be sober, they still had just as much fun as students. This pleasure was only enhanced by the prospect of drinking a beer at noon. For Jordy, an event crew member, this beer could not come quickly enough and so he let a cold beer slide through his dried-up throat at midnight.

The event crew could use this beer very well, because even after the party ended it wasn't nearly silent.  Together with the buddies, they were very busy with the tipsy and noisy students. Slowly, they staggered to the tents in which they would not sleep very long. The next morning the event crew was very excited to wake up the students. Armed with alarm bells and the megaphone, they made loud noises which the hangover students were definitely not waiting for.

Besides this great camp, the rest of the week was filled with other things, such as a capture the flag game. In a playful way, the new students were introduced to the city of Groningen and all the beauty that the city has to offer. Ofcourse, the city of Groningen naturally also includes a great nightlife. The introduction committee was well aware of this and that is why they also organized a pub crawl for the students to discover the nightlife of Groningen!

After a busy but amazing week, the introduction period unfortunately came to an end. Just like every year, the introduction week ended with a smashing end party for which Huize Maas was decorated early in the afternoon. The eyes of the students, buddies and event crew members had become smaller and smaller after a long week, but this clearly did not spoil the fun. During the final party, the fatigue was simply converted into pleasure and as the evening progressed, this pleasure only increased. A speech by the introduction committee in which the winner of the class competition was announced (COV1B) meant that the introduction week had officially ended. But the night did not end there, because the night turned out to be very young for many of the students...

We think that we speak on behalf of all the participants when we say that the introduction committee has provided an unforgettable start of the study. Introduction chairwoman Marieke, together with her committee members Salwa, Nienke, Meike and Lisanne, thank you for this fantastic week!


Lots of love from the editorial committee,

Daan Heijnen & Eva Kraaijeveld


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