Yearbook committee
Yearbook committee 2023 - 2024

Yearbook committee
Sabine Hoog Antink (2022) | Chairwoman |
Loïs Vivian Starke (2022) | Vice-chairwoman / Secretary |
Jaap Jan van der Ploeg (2022) | Treasurer |
Susan Rehwinkel (2023) | Member |
Renée Gosker (2022) | Member |
This year, we, the Yearbook committee, will join in creating the yearbook themed "KIC's Wild West North". Besides many fun meetings, this year for us will consist of designing and creating content for the yearbook. During the year, we will visit all committees and the board for the yearbook interviews! During these interviews, we hope to get to know all the active members better and, of course, we hope to have fun drinking and bonding with the various committees. So we will join the yearbook with fun interviews, theme-related content, the kisslist, quotes, (travel) reports and much more! During the Active Members Weekend, we will proudly hand out the yearbook to all active members, so that we and all other KIC'ers will have a book full of memories of this year at KIC!
Much Love,
Sabine Hoog Antink (chairwoman Yearbook committee '23-'24)