Current board

The eighteen board 2023 - 2024

Hii! How nice that you are interested in the board. If you have a question, you can always contact us, at the bottom of the page our contact information can be found and we are in the office in D2.12.


From left to right: Dorine Rinket, Vera Mossel, Pam Nijboer, Merle Beier, Jorrit Matien, Tijmen van Rooijen

Merle Beier (2021)Chairwoman
Pam Nijboer (2020)


Jorrit Matien (2021)Treasurer
Vera Mossel (2019)Coordinator of internal affairs
Dorine Rinket (2019)Coordinator of internal affairs
Tijmen van Rooijen (2022)Coordinator of external affairs