Promotion committee
Promotion committee 2023 - 2024

Promotion committee
Tom de Vries (2022) | Chairman |
Amber Jeuring (2023) | Vice-chairwoman / Secretary |
Maarten Borst (2023) | Treasurer |
Jadey Loisa Vermaat (2023) | Member |
Annemijn Becker (2023) | Member |
Hiii Everyone,
We are proud to say that we are part of KIC's promotion committee this year. This year we (Maarten, Annemijn, Jadey, Amber, Lotte and Tom) will join to make sure all merchandise and promotion will look incredibly cool. We are really looking forward to it and can't wait to put our creative brains to work!
We also love having a good time, so you will often see us at KIC's activities. Because a dance in the Brouw is certainly no stranger to us! :D