
KIC Congress: "YOU are the future professional"

The congress committee has been working on this moment for the whole school year and was also really looking forward to this particular moment. The KIC Congress: "YOU are the future professional". The congress focused on the future. On you.

Three great lecturers came to talk about how they work and how they anticipate the future of our workfield. When we arrived, we were greatly received by the KIC-board. The hall was decorated with pink flags and the delicious snacks were ready for us to eat.

The lecturers were the Groninger Museum, Tim Bakker and Désirée Boerema. The Groninger Museum came to tell us about their exhibition: “Battle! 100 Year Woman Voting rights”. We received a very nice goody bag at the end. Tim gave two lectures about his own company and about different theories in his workfield, including “business persuasion”. Tim has 25 years of experience with commercial functions. Désirée ended the congress by giving tips and telling about the online success you can achieve. Her own company “iDees Online” helps customers how to perform online.

All in all, this was a successful but also an educational day. Thanks congress committee!


Sanne Faber - Editorial committee





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