
KIC Lecture: Roban Reuvers

Do you want to bring your idea to the market, but you don't know how? Then this lecture was the right place for you! Roban Reuvers founded his company Fyle five years ago. Fyle is a young startup who is specialized in turning your brilliant ideas into great products.

It all started when Roban had his first assignment for the wife of his former football coach. She wanted a website, but was never completely satisfied. Roban started asking for more money for the time he spent on the improvements and the customer then left. This was his worst customer ever, but that's how his company started. Customer after customer Roban knew more and more about what price indication he could use. Subsequently, the company became so popular that he had to find more staff and he finally established himself in the Launch Café.

Roban showed us an inspiring Ted Talk during the lecture, which was about developing your ideas and how you can test your product the best. He came up with several good campaigns as example, like the campaign of Nike. Nike tries to reach people with its advertisements. This brings a lot to our society, positive and negative. Although Nike her sales rise every time.

All in all, this was a very inspiring lecture for people who might want to develop their ideas into something beautiful. Roban concluded with: “Is your idea remarkable? Be different and follow your vision! ”Roban, thanks!


Geja van der Wal & Sanne Faber - Editorial Committee


Geja Sanne


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